Sunday, April 27, 2014

08. April 27, 2014 Deep Waters

Walking at the Park

I take walks in the park on a regular basis. Often I find myself talking to myself out loud. It is in these times I have found God teaching me with my own voice. By the time I get back to my car I can't remember what the message was.

I decided to take my voice recorder along so I can share these messages on my Blog

You can listen to the audio by playing the video. I did my best to transcribe it below.

We cant belittle or lessen what God wants to do.
Gods desire is for everyone to be with him in heaven. That is why He sent Jesus. He paid the price for their sins. He just wants them to believe.
If we are not born of the spirit and born again we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
We must believe in Jesus, it is in this belief that we are given a new spirit life because we have asked Jesus to be a part of us. Our new birth isn't us, the new birth is Christ in us. His life is the new life in us. He gives us everything. It's all Him. Nothing else, NOTHING else.
Paul preached Christ, and Christ alone. All of our salvation is nothing more than Christ alone, nothing else. Our life is nothing more than Christ. This life in the flesh counts for nothing.
Over the years God has spoken to men and women to bring His story of redemption to all who would listen and believe from the prophets of old to the prophets of today.
Those who truly truly seek God, seek His presence, find a place out of the flesh and find a place in the Heavenlies where they reside with their heavenly Father. He touches them and talks to them and holds them close. “This is my Son, tell this to others, they need to hear this.”
It's not me writing these messages, it's not me writing this blog, its Christ in me. Christ in me. Nothing more, I am nothing.
For those who followed me over from my YouTube and have watched my videos, I have no talent in producing videos, yet I got 1,100,000 hits on my channel in a few years. How is that possible? I don’t know, it's not me. I just go on and trust my heart. The photos I choose, the transitions I choose, I don’t know what I am doing. When I finish a video I look at and say “My God! How did that happen?” I am just amazed about how these videos I produce are so good. Their Holy. Not because of me. Yes, my friends, I have no talent. It's Christ in me. He is the one editing the videos through me. It's not me at all.
Not everything in your life is about you. Its not about your wife, your children, your brothers or sisters, your mothers and fathers.
When you receive Christ, when you seek Him, will you go into the deep waters? Or are you going to go into puddles ankle deep? Only little children stay in the ankle deep water. Toddlers will go waist deep. When you grow up in Christ, when you grow up, you go to the deepest part of the waters trusting. Will you walk on those waters with Christ in faith? Peter stepped out in the deep water. I marvel at his faith. It wasn’t about that he sunk in the physical water, the H2O. He stepped out and said “Jesus. You said so, I believe”. Yes his flesh looked around and his flesh sank down, his spirit had no doubts. Christ attributed that to Peter as faith and on him He built His church because he was willing to step into the deep waters. Are you willing to step in deep waters? Are you willing to love your neighbor for who he is and nothing more? Not trying to preach the Gospel at him, not trying to change him, because it's not your job. It is Christ in them. And without Christ in them, I don’t know. I really don’t know. I am not the judge. I'm not the one who determines who goes to heaven and who doesn't. That is Christ and Christ alone. It is not my place to say “Oh! You don’t believe? Your going to hell.” I don’t know the mans heart. Christ does.
We all think the bible is it. The bible is all that there is. There is nothing else. God is such a puny god if we can put Him in a tiny little book with ink on paper. God, our Heavenly Father, is so much more infinite that that. There is so much more. Yet we so called “Christians” try to limit Him. Why? So we don't have to, so we feel we are not accountable, to live the life He has called us to live. To walk in Holiness.
Walking in Holiness does not mean that your flesh in sin-free. Walking in holiness is understanding who you are. Who God says you are. Knowing that He began the work in you. He did. He's the one changing you. Forming you, molding you into Christ. He is the one who made you into flesh. All you have to do, all you are supposed to do is believe. Nothing more than that. Nothing more than that.

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