Tuesday, April 22, 2014

6. April 22, 2014 Who's job is it anyway?

If you have not read about the “BrownSofa” click here before continuing.

As I wrote before, I have been apart of many churches of various denominations. In almost all of them, we were told we had to work hard to not sin. We must continue to struggle to do what is right in Gods eyes.

Have you noticed how exhausting it is to be aware of every thing you do and say as not to go astray. Not just avoiding sin, but also making sure we do good. In reality, it is impossible to not screw up at some point. I may not have sinned today but I passed by that woman struggling with that heavy box. The book of James says in chapter 4 vs 17 that if you don't do the good you aught to do you commit a sin.

We keep trying and cant do it. Paul said “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God--through Jesus Christ our Lord!”

How do we do this? Jesus tells us “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

I doesn't seem so easy. It seams really hard at times. The problem lies in the churches teaching that we must strive to attain this level of holiness. But that is contrary to scripture. As believers in Jesus we all know that we are saved by his grace and nothing else. It even says we are not saved by our works. Striving to be better is the same as saying you can make yourself holy by your own working.

Our path to holiness is really simple. The bible puts it this way: “And I am sure of this: that the One who began a good work among you will keep it growing until it is completed on the Day of the Messiah Yeshua.” (CJB)

The day we believed in Jesus was the day God began to change us into the image of Christ. I have been at it since September 23, 1985 when I asked Christ into my life. I know I havent arrived yet. I keep looking forward, not looking back at my failures - especially those after I began following Him. Its His job to change me, its my job to believe He will do it.


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