Monday, April 14, 2014

2. April 14, 2014 Paradox

I was raised in the Catholic church. In my twenties I followed my heart and went to hear some guy named Kenneth Copeland. I had never heard of him before. On September 23, 1985 I learned that Jesus wanted me to have a personal relationship with Him. I remember hearing that the Holy Spirit was like an air controller. The air controller sees everything on his radar notifies airplanes what to look out for. As long as the pilot listens to the controller, all is safe. I felt drawn to the front when the altar call came. I prayed and asked Jesus into my life. It has never been the same since.  I don't feel that I left the Catholic church, but rather that I found a loving God who called me to follow where He led. 

I consider myself to be multi-denominational. I was raised Catholic and have been a member of Pentecostal, Baptist, Evangelical Presbyterian, and Southern Baptist churches. I have also regularly attended Quaker, Baptist, Black Baptist, Assemblies of God, and various other non-denominational and Bible churches. Regardless of where I was, I found I could always join in the worship. I didn't always agree with the teaching but that is why God has so many ways for us to find Him. God will do anything to show his love for us. He even took the death penalty that we deserved. It is in what Christ did on the cross where we find our identity. Life is all about Jesus, and nothing more. Everything is about Him. 

I guess I am rambling on. I will write more about that in a later post. Today I wanted to talk about paradox. Merriam-Webser defines paradox as: something (such as a situation) that is made up of two opposite things and that  seems impossible but is actually true or possible

: someone who does two things that seem to be opposite to each other or who has qualities that are opposite

: a statement that seems to say two opposite things but that may be true
                                           few years ago, my friend John gave me a book to read. It changed everything. My view on God and who He is changed dramatically. The book, “The Key To Everything” by Norman Grubb introduced me to the concept of Union Life and Paradox. (Click on the image to the right to read the book →)

A good example of paradox is in who God is. There is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. All are unique and separate. Each having separate personalities and characteristics. Yet they are absolutely one inseparable being.

Another example would be Jesus Himself. He is fully God at the same time He is fully man.

Another one I find interesting is where Paul writes:

"But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us,  even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),  and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus," (Ephesians 2: 4-6)

Look at the last line. Do you notice it's in the past tense. What Paul is saying is that we are already seated in heaven, at the same time we are here on earth. That is an another one of the mysteries shrouded in paradox. 

What I hope you get out of today's entry is that we must keep our minds open to find deep truths hidden the mysteries of paradox. Remember, with God all things are possible.


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